
Are Spores Of Selaginella Similar In Size

American Fern Journal

journal article

Aspects of Spore Dispersal in Selaginella

American Fern Journal

Published By: American Fern Society

American Fern Journal

https://www. jstor .org/stable/1547269




The evolution of heterospory changed the weather for spore dispersal. Bold air current every bit the dispersal agent, microspores will be dispersed to greater distances than megaspores. We investigated aspects of spore size and sculpture also as spore dispersal under calm conditions and under the effect of artificial wind of some Selaginella species. We plant that differences betwixt the species existed that were correlated with active or passive release of micro- and megaspores. The dispersal efficacy changed drastically under the effect of wind, showing differences betwixt the species. There was no support for the hypothesis of synaptospory between micro- and megaspores during active dispersal. Bear witness suggests that agile spore dispersal and wind may enhance outbreeding. More detailed investigations may reveal species specific correlations between life history traits, breeding systems, and spore dispersal.

Journal Information

The American Fern Journal, a quarterly, international, scholarly journal that includes research papers on all aspects relating to ferns and related plants, has been published since 1910. Those interested in submitting manuscripts need not be members of the American Fern Gild. Page charges are encouraged but not mandatory. Subscription is a benefit for Journal and Lifetime members of the American Fern Order. Subscriptions for libraries and other institutions are available for $35 for addresses in North America and $45 for addresses elsewhere. Subscription agents may secure information at the Guild's web site

Publisher Data

The American Fern Society, founded in 1893, is an international organization serving those interested in all aspects of ferns and allied plants. The majority of its more than chiliad members are amateurs interested in growing ferns or in studying these plants in the wild. However, well-nigh pteridologists (fern specialists) and numerous other professional person botanists besides observe membership in the Lodge useful. The master objective of the Society is to foster scholarly involvement in this group of plants. To this cease, it publishes a newsletter, Fiddlehead Forum v times a twelvemonth. The Society's scientific journal, American Fern Journal, has been published quarterly since 1910. The group besides publishes at irregular intervals a memoir series, Pteridologia, which includes longer scholarly works. Additionally, the Society operates a spore exchange with spore samples available to Social club members at nominal toll or by substitution, for those who wish to abound plants from spores. The Society's annual meetings unremarkably are held in conjunction with the Botanical Club of America'due south annual conference.

Are Spores Of Selaginella Similar In Size,


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